A mini guide to breaking through limiting beliefs

Discover the most common limiting beliefs and how to break through them.

You know what I hate? Limiting beliefs. They hold you back from achieving your goals, from doing what you love, and from reaching your full potential. I’m so sick of them! Some of them are rooted in fear; some are based on what others think and say, but most of them come from our own minds.

In this post, I'm going to share with you tips on how to overcome common limiting beliefs such as:

"I don't deserve it. I'll never get what I want."

"I'm not good enough."

"I don't have enough time."

"It's too hard."

"It's impossible to find a job that pays well and is fun."

"I'll never get my dream body."

As a coach, I see these limiting beliefs showing up in my clients all the time. And I hear them popping up in my own head, too, if I'm being honest. If you're ready to overcome these limiting beliefs, then stick around and let's do this together!

What is a limiting belief?

Limiting beliefs are your unspoken thoughts about yourself and the world around you. As a coach, I help my clients overcome their limiting beliefs by teaching them how to change their self-talk and, thus, the way they perceive themselves. This works because our thoughts become our reality. When we change the way we think, we change the way we live. We've all heard the phrase, "Life is what you make it." So, if you want to change your life, then you have to change the way you think. It's that simple. But it's not always easy to start. It takes work, dedication, and time to change a limiting belief. Once it's changed, though, the effect can be empowering.

How to change beliefs that limit you:

1. Turn off the negative self-talk.

To change your self-talk, you must first become aware of what you're saying to yourself. Just being aware of your negative thoughts is the first step to changing them.

What are you saying about yourself?

What messages are you sending to your subconscious?

Once you've become aware of those things, you can begin changing those negative thoughts and beliefs to more Optimistic ones that will better serve you in life.

Negative self-talk is a habit that we have acquired over time, and it can be hard to get rid of. We tend to doubt ourselves and our abilities, and we tell ourselves that we are not good enough. It is, however, a habit that you can break. We need to stop the negative thoughts before they take root in your head. When you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, stop them mid-sentence and replace them with positive ones.

If you find that you are still having issues controlling your negative self-talk, write down the negative thoughts on a piece of paper every time they come to mind. Then, write down the positive counter-thoughts. Take your list with you wherever you go and read it as often as possible. Remember to be as kind to yourself as you would be to another person. You would never say these things to someone you love, so don't say them to yourself. If you need to, speak directly to the child you were — kindly, softly, encouragingly.

2. Accept yourself for who you are right now.

Accepting yourself for who you are can be difficult in a world that idolises perfection. However, accepting yourself for who you are is the first step toward change. This means acknowledging all of your positive and negative traits, as well as what you can and cannot change about yourself. It also means accepting that you are not perfect in every way. Nor will you ever be. But what you are or can be is perfectly, authentically, yourself.

4. Be calm and aware.

Calmness is a direct result of acceptance. When you accept yourself, your mind relaxes, and you are able to think more clearly. This allows you to make better decisions about your behaviour and gives you the ability to control yourself when you feel agitated or stressed.

5. Be patient and kind with yourself.

When you’re feeling down or negative, it is easy to become impatient and angry. Instead of demanding that you be better and overcome your problems immediately, give yourself credit for taking positive steps and for trying. Assess where you are, where you want to be, and plan what Action is needed to get there. Take just one step towards that goal, however small.

6. Be flexible and open to change.

Consider that you may be wrong, or that your situation might not always be exactly as it is right now. People who are flexible and open to change can see the big picture and rarely get stuck in one way of thinking. They are able to accept things as they are, rather than hating what is or wishing it were different. Flexible people can see creative solutions to problems and maybe find new ideas, dreams and goals in the process.

7. Use the power of affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that you say to yourself several times a day to change your thoughts and beliefs. Affirmations are a powerful tool to reprogram your subconscious mind and start believing in yourself. They go something like this: "I am capable. I am strong. I am smart. I can do this! I am a winner. I can succeed." You can create an affirmation for any area of your life that you want to change. Just make it positive and in the present tense. Be sure to use the words "I" and "me" instead of "you." For example, an affirmation for weight loss could be: "I am beautiful at my current weight." "I am capable of losing the weight that I want to lose." Or an affirmation for a promotion could be: "I am capable of doing this job extremely well." "I have the ability to get a promotion."

It is important to remember that affirmations are not empty promises, and you need to believe in them. It's also important to keep reinforcing your positive statements. Once you have selected your affirmation, repeat it as many times a day as possible. Write it down and place the note where you can see it. Whenever you think of your affirmation, repeat it again.

The results of defeating limiting beliefs

Breaking through limiting beliefs can produce deep and lasting life changes. Once you have eliminated a limiting belief, you will be more open to new possibilities and opportunities in your life. You will have more clarity, and you will be able to pursue your dreams with a strong sense of self-confidence. With persistence and the right mindset, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

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