So, if you are an optimist don't listen to the detractors, you are on to a good thing, keep it up and enjoy the benefits.
But what if you aren't an optimist?
Is that set in stone?
Can you change it?
Absolutely you can. Rewiring your brain to take a more optimistic view of your life is completely possible and not as hard as it may sound.
One way for people to find happiness is to look internally and focus on their individual experiences. (But I am getting ahead of myself, more on this next time).
So why don’t you try it right now? Think not about what may go wrong or the negative article you read on when ‘it’ all went wrong, think of this article you are reading right now, enjoy the moment you are in, sat on the couch or lying in bed, taking a 5 minute break from work, sip that coffee, smile and give yourself a little immune boost.
I hope to see you next time…